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Silver Valuation

Silver Valuation


Silver is considered a valuable commodity along with silver, diamond, and other metals. The demand for this beautiful white metal is always there due to its continuous use. However, its price fluctuates frequently due to various factors.


If you are looking for selling silver of any type, then take a minute. Before going for a direct sell, you must find the valuation of your silver. The process of silver valuation can be performed by the professionals who know the standard procedure to do so. There are certain equipment and machines that required for the valuation.


There are many cases of frauds and scams happening around the country. So you need to choose the right place for silver valuation where genuine and standard steps are followed. There are numerous jewellers, silver companies, and pawn shops who perform the valuation process by taking some charge for it.


However, you will find some core companies like Sai Gold Trading who carry out the valuation without taking a single penny. So if you want out the valuation of silver then contacting such company could be the right idea. Meanwhile, it is also important for you to know the details of the valuation process. Here are some guidelines that are followed during the silver valuation.


·         Silver Valuation Based on Identification


The process begins with the identification of silver type. Basically, there are two types, sterling silver, and silver-plated items. Out of this sterling silver is considered as the purest form of silver whereas silver-plated items don't carry that much value. So the value of sterling silver is measure high compared to silver-plated silver.


·         Silver Valuation Based on Age of Silver


Once it is finalized whether the given silver is sterling silver or silver-plated item the next thing is to look at its age. The silver's age does impact its value. With passing time, the value of old patterned silver gets reduced due to the introduction of the newer pattern.


·         Silver Valuation Based on Condition of Silver 


Apart from this, professional valuator also checks for the condition of silver. If the given item is a broken ring, then its value gets reduced as it takes the additional cost to give joints. So the current value does get reduced to some extent due extra cost incurred.  


·         Silver Rarity 


At the time of silver valuation, rarity is also a major factor that plays a significant role. Some antique silver pieces are considered as a common due to which its value is also measured on the lower side. On the other side, some rare pieces are considered the most valuable one.


Whenever you come to the thought of selling your silver for a good cash or just want to check the valuation of your silver, you can contact Sai Gold Trading. Here your metals value will be calculated without taking any charge.